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Ingram Rd. Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-7196 Save-A-Lot Companion Save-A-Lot P.O. Box 827 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-1300 Standard Democrat Builder Standard Democrat 205 S. New Madrid St. Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-1137 Southern Bank Pillar Southern Bank 1205 S. Main Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-1901 SEMO Management Group/SMG Realty Companion SEMO Management Group/SMG Realty 603 S. Main Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-4800 Servpro of Cape Girardeau & Scott Co Companion Servpro of Cape Girardeau & Scott Co 166 LaSalle St. Cape Girardeau MO 63701 (573) 339-1948 Sikeston Public Schools Leader Sikeston Public Schools 1002 Virginia Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-2581 Synova Companion Synova 1450 State Hwy HH Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 475-8446 SEMO Ready Mix, Inc. Companion SEMO Ready Mix, Inc. P.O. Box 2045 Cape Girardeau MO 63701 (573) 334-0004 Semo Funky Foam Companion Semo Funky Foam 223 NorthWest Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 621-4254 State Farm Insurance (Joe Hennemann) Companion State Farm Insurance (Joe Hennemann) 412 Tanner St. Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-3226 Sonny's Solid Waste, Inc. Companion Sonny's Solid Waste, Inc. P.O. Box 791 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-2869 Sikeston Electrical Supply Companion Sikeston Electrical Supply 105 Larcel Drive Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-8503 Scott County Transit System, Inc. Companion Scott County Transit System, Inc. 105 E. Center Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-3030 Sikeston Depot Museum and Cultural Ce... Sikeston Depot Museum and Cultural Center 116 W. Malone Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 481-9967 St. Francis Xavier Church Companion St. Francis Xavier Church 245 W. Front Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-2447 Slusher, Inc. Companion Slusher, Inc. 1035 S. Main Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-5371 Salvation Army Sikeston Area Crisis U... Companion Salvation Army Sikeston Area Crisis Unit 126 East Front Street Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 703-2958 Sikeston Cinema & Grill Companion Sikeston Cinema & Grill P.O. Box 66 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 481-0334 Southeast Missouri Network Against Se... Companion Southeast Missouri Network Against Sexual Violence (SEMO-NASV) 147 N. Lacey St. Suite 1 Jackson MO 63755 (573) 332-1900 Sterling Pharmacy Builder Sterling Pharmacy 808 Hunter Ave. Ste. 1 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-0608 SEMO Title Company Builder SEMO Title Company P.O. Box 206 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-6005 Southeast Missouri Food Bank Companion Southeast Missouri Food Bank 600 State Highway H Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-1818 Stans Carpet Companion Stans Carpet P.O. Box 942 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-6206 Santie's Wholesale Oil Company Companion Santie's Wholesale Oil Company 126 Larcel Drive Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-4541 Store It Quick Storage Basic Store It Quick Storage 52 Lone Oak Sikston MO 63801 (573) 686-5599 Susie's Bake Shoppe & Restaurant Companion Susie's Bake Shoppe & Restaurant 112 E. Center Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-8550 Self Insurance Agency Companion Self Insurance Agency 110 E. Front St. Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-3347 Sho-Me Technologies, LLC Companion Sho-Me Technologies, LLC 301 West Jackson Marshfield MO 65706 (417) 840-7689 Builder Steward Steel, Inc. P.O. Box 551 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-2121 Scott County Builder Scott County P. O. Box 188 Benton MO 63736 (573) 471-9447 SEMO Electric Cooperative Builder SEMO Electric Cooperative P.O. Box 520 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-5821 Scheffer's Office Solutions Companion Scheffer's Office Solutions 1558 State Hwy H. Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-2422 Sikeston/Bootheel Area United Way Companion Sikeston/Bootheel Area United Way P.O. Box 536 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-0310 Sikeston MediCenter Pharmacy Builder Sikeston MediCenter Pharmacy 507 North. Main Street Sikeston MT 63801 (573) 471-4401 Shoe Sensation Companion Shoe Sensation 1305 S Main St Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 621-5120 Sherwin Williams Companion Sherwin Williams 1077 E. Malone Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-1975 Sikeston Rotary Club Companion Sikeston Rotary Club P.O. Box 311 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 380-5890 Southeast Correctional Center Companion Southeast Correctional Center 300 E. Pedro Simmons Drive Charleston MO 63834 (573) 683-4409 Spread Hope Now Companion Spread Hope Now P.O. Box 1991 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 380-0177 Scooter's Coffee Companion Scooter's Coffee 422 North Main Street Sikeston Mo 63801 (573) 475-8710 Senciboy Construction Co. Companion Senciboy Construction Co. P.O. Box 152 Oran MO 63771 (573) 262-3819 Sikeston Real Estate, LLC Companion Sikeston Real Estate, LLC 143 E Center St Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 475-9701 Sikeston Bowling & Trophy Pro Shop Companion Sikeston Bowling & Trophy Pro Shop 1601 E. Malone Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-2430 Scott County Health Dept. Companion Scott County Health Dept. P.O. Box 129 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-4044 Sikeston Restaurant Equipment Companion Sikeston Restaurant Equipment 2317 E. Malone Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-4315 Sovereign Home Health Care Companion Sovereign Home Health Care 35 Villa Shopping CTR New Madrid MO 63869 (619) 775-8453 Sikeston Housing Authority Companion Sikeston Housing Authority P.O. Box 829 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-3012 Security Locksmith Companion Security Locksmith 310 N. Main St Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-4473 Sikeston Public School Foundation Companion Sikeston Public School Foundation 1002 Virginia Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-8833 Sikeston Elks Lodge #2319 Companion Sikeston Elks Lodge #2319 349 Dona St. Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-3333 Saint Francis Healthcare - Ferguson M... Pillar Saint Francis Healthcare - Ferguson Medical Group 211 Saint Francis Dr. Cape Girardeau MO 63703 (573) 331-3997 Sikeston Community Teachers Assoc. Companion Sikeston Community Teachers Assoc. 1310 E. Salcedo Rd. Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-2581 Skin Medics Medi-Spa Companion Skin Medics Medi-Spa 117 Smith Ave Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-9990 Senator Holly Rehder Companion Senator Holly Rehder Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 475-9115 Sikeston Public Library Companion Sikeston Public Library 121 East North Street Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-4140 Sikeston Lions Club Companion Sikeston Lions Club P.O. Box 802 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 481-1111 Studio 402, LLC. Companion Studio 402, LLC. 762 N. Main Street Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 931-3846 Southeast Missouri State - Sikeston Leader Southeast Missouri State - Sikeston 2401 N. Main Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-3210 Satterfield Wrecker Service Companion Satterfield Wrecker Service 424 West North Street Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-8261 Scott Matthews Basic Scott Matthews P.O. Box 506 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-1960 Sikeston Career and Technology Center Companion Sikeston Career and Technology Center 200 Pine St. Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-5442 Sikeston Board of Municipal Utilities... Builder Sikeston Board of Municipal Utilities Co. 107 E. Malone Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 471-3328 Sikeston Little Theatre, Inc. Companion Sikeston Little Theatre, Inc. P.O. Box 126 Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 481-0255 Saddleridge South LLC Companion Saddleridge South LLC 411 South Highway 75 Anniston MO 63845 (573) 683-1531 Companion Sam's Fine Jewelry 130 E. Front St. Sikeston MO 63801 (573) 472-1331 SEMO Health Network Companion SEMO Health Network New Madrid MO 63869 (573) 748-2592 Sunbelt Rentals Companion Sunbelt Rentals 861 S Kingshighway Cape Girardeau MO 63703 (519) 708-6642