Experience the total eclipse of the sun in Sikeston on April 8. Total Eclipse of the Park event events/activities planned all weekend and on April 8. They include the Sikeston Jaycee Crawfish Boil & Music Festival at the rodeo grounds April 6, Moonlight Madness and Scoping the Skies in downtown, kids' programs at the Sikeston Library, Cosmic Pickleball, food trucks, KYMO live remote with eclipse countdown on April 8, eclipse information booth from NASA representative. Go to (1) Total Eclipse of the Park - Solar Eclipse 2024 | Facebook for additional information.

Date and Time
Friday Apr 5, 2024 Monday Apr 8, 2024
Aprill 5-8, times vary with each activity/event.
Sikeston Recreation Complex, Downtown Sikeston and Rodeo Grounds
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